“All that we are is the result of whatever we have thought..”
~ Buddha
Its amazing the level of power and energy a thought has…
A single thought can take you up… It can tear you down… It can take you to your future and make you re-live your past!
You cannot see your thoughts… You cannot touch them… But you can feel them – deeply, succinctly, truly and really…
Amazingly, it will blow you away to discover that thought DOES have an organisational pattern. It has an anatomy, a structure, a whole way of being and a whole way of continuing.
Likewise, you can use this organisational pattern to structure and control your thoughts, to direct yourself and to nurture yourself.
If you want to take back the power over your thoughts you will get a lot of value from learning these sequences. Learning the sequences will give you power, strength, knowledge and from there… there’ll be no turning back 🙂