Never a Truer Word Was Spoken…
If you want to fly,
you have to give up all the stuff
that weighs you down.
Getting rid of anything that weighs you down is no small thing and so how can we do it without suppressing our feelings or forcing ourselves to the point of extinction?
The truth lies behind understanding the value of what you will gain once you decide the following:
- What will I take on and what will I leave?
- Is this good for me? (as in all the a, b, c’s of possibility)
- What will people think if I don’t take a, b, c, d, up… Will they think I’m a “bad mother,” a bad father, sister, brother, daughter, etc? (OK note this down)
There are really hundreds of things we can be doing that makes us feel like a prisoner but the truth is: we are contributing to this in someway…
So before we can employ the art of giving up all the stuff that weighs us down we do need to begin making the list of these things so we can know where to cut the rope!
Begin this today by checking in with the following feelings:
- Am I feeling burdened by something or someone (you might feel heavy at the thought of attempting whatever it is that gives you burden)
- Is there something I dread doing?
- Is there something I’m constantly worrying about – knowingly or unknowingly?
- Do I have a list going on, of things I do to make other people happy?
- What’s on this list and are these real, genuine things? (or just my imagination!!)
- Are the things that I think are “important on the list” really as important as I think?
- What’s the most harmful thing (for me) on the list? (just identify)
- Number the importance of your list (from the most stressful 10/10 to the least stressful 1/10). Now, write down how many things you have to clear off the list before you can get to the most harmful one for you. Then see if the predecessors could be dissolved easily (or easier than you think).
- What’s the first thing I can get off the list and how will I get that thing off without hurting anyone or stressing myself out? (bearing in mind that occasionally I may not be able to fully achieve this – and it may be really important to get this off my list for my own sanity’s sake… but this is still a good question to ask myself)
- Begin examining everything that’s going on and put a tick beside the things that I am creating (and doing) due to feeling pressure.
- OK, now make a resolve within you:
“There’s going to be a way to restore balance here… and you may not know exactly how that’s going to happen… but it is POSSIBLE…”
so have faith in that and step courageously forward…