Here is a beautiful thing to contemplate.
Stepping back for a moment…
Have you ever asked yourself: do I really need this? Am I really chasing this?
Do I need another set of swimming trunks (I have 12 already), do I really need another set of jeans (21 in the wardrobe – yep I seem to be collecting them for eBay!!!). Oh yeah… and then there’s a boyfriends, or the martini glasses, the brand new friends, the new sunnies, or the, or the, or the… and wow that list can go on can’t it?
Yep, without even realizing it I can be chasing so many things.
Well here’s a secret spiritual law to learn about. Experiment with it and it will give you a buzz…
The more you try to chase something… the faster it runs away from you…
But, once you really (really, really, really, really, really) stop trying…
Once you let it be…Once you let it be free to be what its going to be…
For some completely “weirded out reason,” (that only the universe knows)
that same darn thing will come and sit in your lap!Advance and all will be lost!!
Retract and all will be found…
Surprisingly its the hunt for this stuff that makes us the most tired because sometimes it’s just a simple question of feeling empty on the inside and wanting something (as in anything) to fill the void.
But if we can learn to talk to that little voice inside and ask: “what are you really looking for…?” (to ourselves), you’ll find the answer that comes back is NOT going to be about another set of Jeans or Martini glasses or even a new boyfriend..
Top 5 answers are: love, attention, to do something good, to be comfortable, to be confident.
So now, if you can realize this. Then your answer to “Do I really Need this?” might really end up being “not often”… and at this point, I really hope you realize that you might be closer to this really powerful spiritual stage of “not needing” as many things as you think… Coz YOU have YOU… (and that’s all that matters)
So now go get yourself organised and have yourself a Wonderful Day…